Playa de Palma, or Palma Beach by now, is located in the south of Mallorca and offers one of the longest sandy beaches on the island. The name Palma Beach was created by a group of businessmen from Playa de Palma to highlight the level and quality of restaurants, hotels and services in the area. Formerly known for the so-called “Ballermann” tourism and primarily characterised by German tourists, this section is increasingly developing in the direction of quality tourism. Numerous hotels have been renovated and upgraded in their *rating and some excellent 5* hotels have settled here such as the Pure Salt Garonda or the Llaut Palace with the fantastic Roof Terrace with panoramic view and the restaurant Katagi Blau. The Palma Beach movement has meanwhile been joined by many renowned companies and so some outstanding gastronomic establishments have also become established there. We would particularly like to highlight and recommend Ginger Beach, Bonito, El Chiringuito, Bikkini Beach and Chalet Siena. New on the playa since summer 2020 is the restaurant Mola in The Hype Beach House - a must when you’re there in this corner. The balnearios, 15 in number and located directly on the beach, have also been extensively renovated and stylishly modernised in recent years. It will still take a while, but a major rethink is taking place on Playa de Palma and will only make Mallorca even more attractive as a location. Those interested in real estate should also keep an eye on this area.
An der Playa de Palma können Sie alles an sportlichen Aktivitäten machen, was Sie sich vorstellen können: Es gibt Wasserski-Angebote, Banana-Boote, Jetskis, Tretboote und vieles mehr. Den Wassersportfans wird warm ums Herz werden und auch andere Sportler kommen u.a. beim Beachvolleyball auf ihre Kosten. In Höhe des Balneario 1 befindet sich der kleine Hafen von Arenal - Club Náutic S`Arenal. Für weitere sportliche Aktivitäten gibt es natürlich auch zahlreiche Radverleih Anbieter und für Liebhaber des Joggings, bietet die fast 7 km Strandpromenade eine wunderbare Strecke zum auspowern. Für alle Familien mit Kindern ist natürlich ein Besuch im beliebten und ganzjährig geöffneten Palma Aquarium ein Muss. Das Aquarium ist eine Kombination aus Aquarium und Freizeit-/Erlebnispark. Im 2003 auf einer Fläche von 4,2 Hektar mit einem Aufwand von 32 Millionen Euro errichteten Gebäudekomplex samt Gartenanlage, befinden sich in 55 Becken mit 5 Millionen Liter Wasser rund 8000 Exemplare von mehr als 700 Meerestierarten.
Playa de Palma is located in the south of Mallorca, very close to Palma and the airport and offers a beautiful 7km long sandy beach. The beach promenade leads to the centre of Palma (also suitable for cyclists and inline skaters). The historic old town of Palma de Mallorca can be reached by bus in about 15 minutes. A very large selection of restaurants, shops and bars (in all price ranges) and bus stops are nearby. Playa de Palma has been changing for some time. The new “Palma Beach” campaign is also helping to continuously improve the quality and standard of Playa de Palma over the next few years. Already today you can see big differences compared to a few years ago. Many hotels have been renovated and new 5* hotels, like the excellent Hotel Llaut Palace, have recently been built there. Quality tourism instead of drinking is the motto!